Alleyleaders Kyle/Ava shippers Antar Girls Ava/Lonnie shippers Awakened Dreamers Liz/Zan shippers B Team Alex/Kyle shippers Balcony Sirens Liz/Lonnie shippers Band Candy Maria/Michael/Alex threesome shippers Band Geeks Maria/Alex/Liz threesome shippers Basketcases Michael/Isabel/Tess threesome shippers BBQ M&Ms Maria/Michael/Kyle threesome shippers Bicker Brigade Kyle/Maria... but only as siblings Big Pimpin' Liz/Maxedo/Maria threesome shippers Blonde Ambition Maria/Isabel/Tess threesome shippers Blonde Attitude Maria and Isabel shippers Breakfast Club Michael/Maria/Liz threesome shippers Brooders Max/Valenti shippers Butterflies Maria/Lonnie shippers Candygirl (or boy) Michael/Maria shipper. They are known collectively as the Candyclan Candy Souls Maria/Michael/Zan shippers Candytrimmers Maria/Michael/Tess/Kyle shippers Catfighters Liz and Tess shippers Chemists discuss the chemistry between Jason Behr and Shiri Appleby Cliffhanger Michael and Isabel shipper (also called Cliffies and Cliffes) Combustibles Maria/Sean shippers (hey, um, guys? aren't they cousins?) CopyCatfighters Liz/Tess/Ava threesome shippers CopyCats flip-side of Catfighters, the Liz/Ava shippers Corn-Fed Lady Hal and Betty shipper (from 'Summer Of '47') Cruel Desires Liz/Nicholas shippers Cowgirl another name for Kyle fans Cuffs 'n Palm Prints Valenti/Max/Pierce threesome shippers Deep Enders Tess/Michael/Isabel threesome shippers Deputies Tess/Kyle/Maria threesome shippers Desert Dwellers Maria/Michael/Isabel threesome shippers Deviants Isabel/Sean shippers Diablo Tess/Maxedo/Isabel threesome shippers Displaced Dreamers They're "Dreamers in the classic sense" but they explore other options when Max starts pissing them off. They bow to a Royal Court that consists of Liz as King, Kyle as Queen, and S2 Max as a royal toilet scrubber among other things... DoK Orgy Alex/Liz/Riverdog threesome shippers Double Dippers Liz/Max/Zan threesome shippers Dreamcatchers Tess/Max/Michael threesome shippers Dreamers Max and Liz fans (also known as Dreamgirls - see "Chemists", "Displaced Dreamers", "Drebels", "Reject Dreamers", "TNT Dreamers") DreamPole Nuts Liz/Max/Michael threesome shippers Dreamy Waitresses Maria/Max/Liz threesome shippers Drebel ships Max/Liz and Max/Tess (also called Dynamic Drebels) Fantastics Liz/Maxedo shippers Fifth Wheeler Alex/Tess shipper Four Wheel Drive Tess/Alex/Isabel threesome shippers Frickers Eddie/Max shippers Frickin Trespassers Eddie/Liz/Max threesome shippers Friendshipper fans of the show's friendships Fryers Liz/Sean shippers Fugitives Alex/Laurie Dupree shippers Ground Control Maria/Max/Zan threesome shippers Ground Zero (or GZ) Max and Maria shipping (the individual is called a Ground Zeroer) Grounded Souls Maria/Zan shippers Groupies Maria/Alex shippers Guides Liz/Topolsky shippers Hotwarpers Tess/Zan shippers (also "Wild Child") Hot Wheels Maria/Alex/Tess threesome shippers Hussylovers Tess and Courtney shippers Hustlers Tess/Rath shippers Ice Cube Courtney and Isabel shipper In Crowd Kyle and Isabel shippers Interns Liz/Congresswoman Whitaker shippers Jailbaiters Alex/Topolsky shippers Jailers Michael/Valenti shippers Jumpers Liz/Rath shippers Jumpin' Trucks Liz/Rath/Zan threesome shippers Killer B's Maria/Kyle/Alex threesome shippers Knockouts Alex/Michael shippers Lamptrimmer a newer Kyle/Tess shipper name (see "Rebounder") Lifesavers Maria/Tess shippers Lifesaving Rebels Maria/Max/Tess threesome shippers Lizizards Liz and Isabel shippers Lolitas Liz/Jim Valenti shippers Loyalist Liz and Kyle shipper Marmalades Liz/Maria/Max shippers Men in Black Pierce and Michael shippers Mental Blasters Michael/Ava shippers Mental Vibrators Tess/Michael shippers Mikey's Angels Courtney and Maria shippers Mind Shifters Tess/Nasedo shippers Mind Warpers Isabel/Tess shippers Misfits Sean/Tess shippers Neckbreakers Max/Merris shippers (you know, Morgan Fairchild) Opies Alex/Isabel/Lonnie threesome shippers Out of Towners Maria/Max/Isabel threesome shippers Outcasts Alex/Ava shippers Outsiders Max/Isabel shippers The Panty Brigade Kyle and Max shippers Past Indiscretion Nicholas and Isabel (or Nicholas and Lonnie) Patriots Tess/Kivar shippers Peanut Brittle Maria/Rath/Zan threesome shipper Peanut M&Ms Max/Michael PepperJackers Maria/Brody shippers Pillow Fighters another name for Liz/Sean shippers (see "Fryers") Pink Ladies Maria/Ava shippers Plasmatics Alex/Max shippers PODs Protectors Of Destiny - like Max/Tess and Michael/Isabel together Polar Cliffs Liz/Isabel/Michael threesome shippers Polarist Michael and Liz shipper (Polar also used as an adjective to describe something relating to Michael and Liz) PoleCats Liz/Tess/Michael threesome shippers Punkrocker Zan/Ava shippers Pure Deception Alex/Izedo (even though she never existed) shippers Rebels Max and Tess shippers, known collectively as The Rebel Alliance Rebel Wild Child a Tess/Zan/Ava threesome shipper Rebounders most common Kyle/Tess shipper name Rebounding Loyalist Catfighters Liz/Kyle/Tess threesome shippers Reflectionist Isabel and Lonnie shippers Reject Dreamers the slightly more laid-back Dreamers of the Jason Behr boards Rejects Maria/Kyle/Max threesome shippers Remedialist Kyle and Maria shipper Riotgrrls Maria/Tess/Liz threesome shippers Rock n Jocks Michael/Maria/Kyle threesome shippers Rodeo Clowns Alex/Max/Michael threesome shippers Rough and Tumbles another name for Alex/Michael shippers... but I have no clue where it came from Sandwich Club Alex/Kyle/Maria threesome shippers Second Generation another name for Kyle/Maria Secret Agents Pierce/Maria shippers Shared Gomez Liz/Kyle/Max shipping Shipwreckers another name for Max/Tess shippers Shock Jocks Pierce and Kyle (LOL, I made this one up - nice, right?) Sibling Rivalry Liz/Isabel/Max shipping Sirens Jim Valenti/Isabel shippers (I thought poor Mala didn't want it to come to this) Sleepers another name for Max/Michael shippers Snap Dragons Maria/Isabel/Liz threesome shippers Snickers Max/Michael/Maria threesome shippers Soulmate Rath and Michael shipper Spuds a combination of "Spurs" and "Studs" Spurs Michael/Kyle shippers (romantic/sexual) Stargazer Alex/Isabel shipper Star Sightings Maria/Isabel/Alex threesome shippers Stimulator Michael and Courtney shipper Streetwalkers Maria/Rath shippers Streetwalking Soulmates Maria/Michael/Rath threesome shippers Studs appreciate Michael/Kyle friendship (the hetero version of Spurs) Sugar Daddie River Dog and Liz... mmkay Sugar Fried Dumplins Kyle/Max/Pierce threesome shippers Suncatchers Isabel/Alex/Kyle threesome shippers Sweet Torturer Agent Pierce and Max shippers (hee! what? the sadistic bastard loved him and you know it!) Three Muskateers Max/Isabel/Michael threesome shippers TNT Dreamers stands for Top-Notch Tolerance Dreamers, they make a point of not bashing Tess or other characters Tresspasser Eddie and Liz shipper True Bluer Alex and Liz shipper Twisted Destiny Liz/Tess/Max threesome shipping Twisted Desire Maria/Pierce/Sheriff Valenti threesome shippers Urban Cowboys Alex/Kyle/Michael threesome shippers Untuckables Sheriff Valenti and Amy Deluca shippers Vipers Isabel/Kivar shippers Waitresses Maria/Liz shippers Wallpapers Alex/Lonnie shippers Warped Lizizards Liz/Isabel/Tess threesome shippers Whirlwind Romantics Isabel/Jesse shippers Wild Child Tess/Zan shipper (also "Hotwarpers") Wipeouts Liz/Maria/Kyle threesome shippers Wrestlers Amy/Michael shippers WWF Crashdown Amy/Sheriff/Michael threesome shippers